We are very happy to present you with GIMP 3.0.0 RC1!
This is our first release candidate for what will be GIMP 3.0.0. Now is the time for everyone to test!
It is the result of years of work. I'm sure it still has many bugs (and you should report!), but we hope you will still appreciate the new version.

GIMP - GIMP 3.0 RC1 ReleasedRelease news for version GIMP 3.0 RC1
Not sure if I should report it because it's not a bug but there's some QoL regressions for me.
For example the Scale Image dialog used to have the width value selected by default which was a time saver, I'd also loved to merge menu and title bar but having to aim at the close button instead of just trowing the mouse in the corner is too annoying, and the removal of floating selections is disturbing my worflow.
Could you tell us how the removal of floating selections is disturbing your workflow? We had similar reports during development and always ended up finding a good way so that existing workflow would not lose anything in efficiency.
When I want to move some part of an image what I usually do, and i do it a lot, is Select pixels, Cut, Paste, Drag to new position, Anchor with one click on canvas, and repeat.
Now it's Select, Cut, Paste, change tool to Move, Drag to new position, Merge layer by clicking on a button, change tool back to Rectangle, and repeat.
I could make it faster by learning some new shortcuts though but not as before.
If pasting as a floating selection is your main (or maybe even only?) paste method, you may change the ctrl-v shortcut to be "Paste as Floating Data". Then your paste will always do a Floating paste.
Or if you need both, you could set a specific shortcut to this action and use one or the other when needed.
Wouldn't that work?
Basically floating paste is not dead. It's just not the default paste anymore when pasting to a layer.