Excited to announce that
- Backer (from $5/mo)
- Supporter (from $25/mo)
- Sponsor (from $100/mo)
- Corporate Sponsor (from $500/mo)
- Custom donations welcome
Your support will help us maintain and improve Fedify. Check it out here:
We've just set up our sponsors showcase! You can now find our wonderful sponsors:
- On our website: https://unstable.fedify.dev/sponsors
- In our README.md: https://github.com/fedify-dev/fedify?tab=readme-ov-file#sponsors
- In our SPONSORS.md: https://github.com/fedify-dev/fedify/blob/main/SPONSORS.md
These pages are automatically updated every hour. Thank you to all our sponsors for supporting
's development!Want to be listed? Support us on Open Collective: https://opencollective.com/fedify.