An end-of-week Starlight plugin for you:

Makes it easier to add support for custom :::block syntax and rendering in Starlight sites, including custom asides and a built-in “draft” block for hiding work-in-progress content.


The origins of this one were a good example of the XY problem.

User request:
> How do I make an aside with a custom icon?

After some back and forth it turned out that the real request was:
> How can I style some content but use the :::aside syntax supported in Starlight?

They enjoyed that authoring experience for styled blocks. That authoring experience was only available for asides. Therefore they must want asides!

This plugin does make custom asides easy, but you can also do much more. Maybe you want :::figure or :::lede blocks or some other markup, all from the comfort of your .md file.

March 14, 2025 at 12:32:16 PM

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