"Experience the Launch of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 Mission" by @NASA / @NASASocial -

accepting applications for reporters for launch. Apply by Mon July 22 10am ET. If selected, at own expense. nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-sha


& Targeting Aug 18 for Mission to Space Station" by @NASA @Commercial_Crew - crew launch (3🇺🇸, 1🇷🇺) planned Sun Aug 18. No mention of FAA grounding. FAA doesn't regulate NASA, but review was expected to cause some delay. blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/


Adjusts Crew-9 Launch Date for Operational Flexibility" by @NASA @Commercial_Crew - launch delayed to Sept 24 due to Starliner in its docking port. Keeping option to rescue test pilot astronauts. blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/


’s Changes Ahead of September Launch" by @NASA @Commercial_Crew - Launch 2 crew + 2 open seats for pilots return. Upgraded pilot Nick Hague to commander to avoid all-rookie crew. blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/


makes a very tough decision in setting final assignments" by @arstechnica / @sciguyspace - Zena Cardman replaced as commander by USAF test pilot Nick Hague due to reduction of crew to single pilot. arstechnica.com/space/2024/08/

Long story made short on

crew change: reduced 4 to 2 on launch for pilots to return. Gorbunov kept seat due to US/Russia agreement to launch each other's crew to ISS. NASA chose test pilot astronaut for single-pilot role.

"NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 Crewmates to Head to Kennedy Ahead of Launch" by @NASA @Commercial_Crew -

2-up crew (leaving 2 empty seats for 4-down) leave Houston for Cape Canaveral. Planned as 1st crew launch from Pad 40. blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/


& Shift Launch to NET Sept 28 Over Weather Concerns" by @NASA @Commercial_Crew - NET is space-speak for "no earlier than". Tropical Storm Helene will become a hurricane wide enough to affect Cape Canaveral. blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/

Astro Hawk (Ian Kluft) 🚀🛰️


Liftoff! First crew launch from Pad 40.

September 28, 2024 at 5:18:28 PM

Stage 1 landing at Cape Canaveral LZ1. Stage 2 engine cutoff and orbit insertion. First time

was flown to orbit by a single-pilot crew. (Russian cosmonaut is carried by int'l agreement but is not flight crew.)

has room for 4 astronauts but launched with 2 empty seats. Those seats are reserved for rescue of the test pilot astronauts currently aboard ISS, returning in 6 months. blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/

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