Freyja Bergsd贸ttir
a handful of wandering hadrons & leptons, forged in collapsing suns, stargazing out there.
Birth, Residence, College & Job:
|1998 (K贸pavogur), Reykjav铆k, Physics (U. Iceland), Astronomer at S酶v忙rnet (Oct, 2023)Area & Extras:
|Hawking Radiation (PhD's 1st year - U. Iceland), C++ Programmer, Arch Linux + DebianRoots, Faith, Political Views & For Fun:
|Kattastelpa, Non-Believer Pagan, Communism + The Venus Project, Saga Writer (Beginner)Sexuality, Pronouns, Family & Marital
|Bisexual, She/Her, No-Child & SingleJuly 11, 2024
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