Fatih Aygün
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Fatih Aygün


Developer, musician, and occasionally other things. Creator of Rakkas, Hattip, and vavite.

December 18, 2022

Useless taxonomy of planned rendering modes for Rakkas. Any of these could also be prerendered into static HTML at build time.

Technically, reordering your object's keys is a breaking change in

. This change requires npm version majorbecause the observable contract changes 🤓

Older posts from other instances may not be displayed.
Open in original site

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Elk is a nimble Mastodon web client. You can login to your Mastodon account and use it to interact with the fediverse.

Expect some bugs and missing features here and there. Elk is Open Source and we're actively improving it as a community project. Join us and let's build it together!

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Joaquín Sánchez三咲智子 Kevin DengTAKAHASHI ShuujiDaniel RoePatakAnthony Fu

The Elk Team