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I’m Jay @jaygooby from The Other Place. My day job is helping teachers teach music, working at https://charanga.com
I blog at https://jay.gooby.org but it’s pretty dry, mostly to help me remember stuff. Got a few projects at https://github.com/jaygooby
I’m a recovering reader after a couple of years off during covid.
This is my - not sure what I can help you with, but always willing to give it a try
Has anyone got lived experience of using an Apple Watch and an app like SeizAlarm to alert family or pre-warn the wearer about a seizure?
Our teen had his first tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure out of the blue, fortunately at home, a few days ago and now we’re not going to let him out of our sight unless he’s accompanied.
He’s pretty stoic about it at the moment, but anything that gives us piece of mind and him a bit of freedom would be welcome